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Karndean Designflooring Partners with Material Bank Sustainable Sampling Program

Posted on the 14/04/2020 by Karndean Designflooring

Announcing our partnership with Material Bank, a free online platform that provides materials samples from hundreds of leading interiors brands to design professionals.

Material Bank is the fastest and most powerful way for architects and designers to search and sample materials from a variety of industries, including wallcovering, paint and floorcovering. Individual sampling orders are combined into one recyclable box -  requiring less packaging, conserving energy and saving transportation costs. For added convenience, orders placed by midnight ET will deliver by 10:30 the following morning. Material Bank’s samples reclamation process furthers the sustainability of the program by eliminating waste.

“We are excited to be part of such an innovative and sustainable program. For the many design professionals currently working remotely without access to a resource library, Material Bank provides an efficient method of obtaining samples and thus keeping projects on track,” Karndean Designflooring Vice President of Commercial Sales Milton Goodwin said. “We are always looking for ways to make specifying Karndean Designflooring as simple and convenient as possible.”

For professionals currently using Material Bank, visit for more information.